West Suburban Conference - Silver Division
Downers Grove North High School - Downers Grove, IL -- Carstens Field
Day: Friday
Date: May 13, 2016
Rain Date -- Sat., 5/14/16
Time: Field Events -- 4:30 p.m.
Finals – 5:15pm
Admission: $4.00 -- adults, $3.00 -- students/children
Pass List: Each school will be given 5 complimentary passes at the seed meeting. All competitors and
Representatives of the school must enter with their team (coaches, managers, etc.). All late
Arrivals must have a ticket. There is no pass list.
Scratch Meeting: A scratch meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. in the underground track, immediately south of
the track.
Meet Scoring: In accordance with the WSC rules, the following point system will be used: 10-8-6-4-2-1.
Awards: Awards will be given to the participants according to the standards set forth by the
WSC. Each team will get their awards in an envelope at the conclusion of the meet. They will be in the press box
Starter: Mike Powers
Referee Pete Struck
Games Committee: DGN plus 2 other schools that will be TBA at the seed meeting.